Daily Vat Tips




Dear Visitor
If you have any query regarding VAT, you may e-mail to roufvat@gmail.com with brief description of the problem. I try to answer to the VAT queries by mail. Please describe the problem, do not convert the problem into query. Please keep your description short and precise. Please try to write your problem in the body of the mail without any attachment.

Dr. Md. Abdur Rouf

VAT Booklets

1. VAT-booklet-1-on-genenral-guideline

2. vat-booklet-2-of-Registration

3. vat-booklet-3-of-Turnover

4. vat-booklet-4-Value-Diclaration-including-Form

5. vat-booklet-5-of-record-keeping

6. vat-booklet-6-of-Challan

7. vat-booklet-7-of-Input-Credit-and-adjustment

8. vat-booklet-8-of-return

9. vat-booklet-9-of-vat-on-trade

10. vat-booklet-10-of-ECR

11. vat-booklet-11-on-bandrol-systm-updated

12. vat-booklet-12-of-Banking-Non-Banking-Insurance-Service

13. vat-booklet-13-of-vat-on-import


15. vat-booklet-15-of-vat-drawback

16. vat-booklet-16-of-offence-and-penalty

Training Announcement